About Me

Hello! Welcome to my website. My name is Kimberly. After enjoying over 26 years at a long-term care pharmacy, I was blessed to be home with my family for a little over two years. I had the privilege to be my Mom's caregiver until her passing on January 12th, 2022.

I learned three things from my Mom's passing...

1) You must be fully prepared for the final preparations. We thought we were, and I had a lot of unpleasant surprises.

2.) The support of family is crucial. I can't stress how much I need them, and likewise.

3.) Lastly, I realized my life would never be the same without her.

My why

The Eulogy: One part of the preplanning of final preparations often overlooked is having a eulogy written and included with the other important papers. As I discovered, it was tough in my emotional state to decide what to say about my Mom. I wanted to give her the due respect she so much deserved, but everything moved so quickly. I believe it would be beneficial for your loved ones to have these ready beforehand. It also gives you peace of mind that everyone who should be included will be remembered.

The written remembrance: At nine years old, my son recently questioned me about his grandparents and great-grandparents. I sadly realized that I am now the keeper of our family history. I can no longer defer to my Mom to answer these questions.

I wish I had kept a journal of the family stories — of my parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles. So much history that I would love to share with my son and, God willing, his future children.

A written remembrance to tuck away in a scrapbook telling the life story to match a treasured family photo.

Memorial Family Messages, LLC is licensed with the State of Ohio

Memorial Family Messages, LLC name is trademarked with the State of Ohio